Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog 8:Brainwashed

Read Seth Godin's "Brainwashed" 

Seth Godin talks about reinventing yourself by acknowledging the lizard. It is important to acknowledge the fact that people might laugh at us but we have to be able to ignore our own internal skepticism when it comes to our lives and art.

Seth Godin talks about reinventing yourself by connecting through digital media such as social networking. He says it can help you to talk to people and make connections. Also, it allows you to get help or to get a message out to the world. We can now interact with anyone, and we should take advantage of it.

Seth Godin talks about reinventing yourself by making art. Making art is important because it lets you express yourself. It doesn't have rules or regulations and it can be anything you want it to be. Art can change everything and can make a real difference.


The layers I summarized are definitely connected to the blogs I have created over the course of the quarter. 

 There have been a few times while writing the blogs where I have had to acknowledge the lizard. I have worried that something I might say or post might be found funny by someone else when I did not intend it to be. It made me worried that something I say might cause me to be embarrassed. In order to get over this, I have had to just post what I wanted to without care of what other people might think. Ultimately, it is important to be honest with your art and not sculpt it to conform to someone else's idea of what is acceptable.

I also do believe connecting with other people through social media is important and I have done so by being linked to the entire class. Networking is important because the people in the course are all trying to get similar degrees, so we will ultimately be in the same careers in the future. Knowing people can definitely help, and blogging has allowed for connections to develop more than just talking in person during class.

Also, making art is important. Blogging and the class overall has allowed me to create a few pieces of art this quarter. It is important because our field is entirely based around art, so it is good to stay in practice creatively. The blogs may be time consuming, but they are not difficult and allow for a little bit of art viewing or creating in the process.

The exercises done through blogging have made me a better artist because it keeps me in practice. If I was not taking media courses this quarter, it would be really easy to just stop making art and focus on school, but the blogs and assignments force me to stay active in the ongoing creative process. Blogging has also made me a better student because it helps me to prioritize my assignments. However, I must admit that I hate being forced to blog. I feel like I do not learn much from this experience and they are not exactly fun to write. A better use of time might be to have the individual assignments due on a weekly basis in lab along with the presentations, rather than all at once at the end of three weeks.

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